Thursday, July 16, 2009

Setting up a Linux system with a 3.5TB disk

As mentioned in my last post, I have this remote linux system with 3.5TB of disk, but broken into two LVMs. I want most of the storage to be in one big disk.

Today I had my remote monkey put the RHEL4 WS DVD in the machine and rebooted it. I entered the RAID BIOS (Dell PERC 5/i) to delete the existing virtual disks. I then created two new virtual disks -- one of 250GB for the OS, and one of the remaining 3.4TB for the data.

I booted from the RHEL DVD and entered "rescue" mode, because anaconda does not support making GPT disks. Then I entered
parted /dev/sdb
mklabel gpt
mkpart primary 0 3571900M
mkfs.ext3 /dev/sdb1
Making the EXT3 FS took about 22 minutes.

That's mostly it! I rebooted and ran anaconda this time, setting up LVM on /dev/sda (except /boot, of course). I left /dev/sdb alone.

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