Friday, July 10, 2009

Make the Windows XP Calculator always start in scientific mode

I got very tired of having to select "View..Scientific" every time I started the calculator (calc.exe).

It turns out that if you are a non-administrative user (you're not doing daily work as an admin, are you?), then it doesn't save the last-used state.

To make the calculator start in scientific mode every time, edit C:\WINDOWS\win.ini, and add this:

If you're using Vista, you can set it in the registry


  1. if you are not admin user how can you edit files in WINDOWS directory???? useless post...

  2. great post!
    @aweaka: careful reading helps avoiding shameful comments:
    quote: "(you're not doing daily work as an admin, are you?)" does NOT mean you don't have admin rights at all.

  3. The question is still valid, what if one has no admin rights at all on the machine?

    Is there another way? Like using command line parameters for instance...

  4. Me again, who just asked the question today, found a solution for non-admins:

    The key is: "INI file redirection", just save the following lines to a .reg file and run it, for me it worked even with the tough security policy rules applied by the IT department :)

    Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\IniFileMapping\win.ini]

  5. Thanks, Anonymous! Looks like you would need elevated privileges to setup the INI file mapping -- but then regular users of that machine would be able to start calc in the last-used state.
