Thursday, August 27, 2015

Fark Lite tampermonkey script updates

Updated Fark Lite to work with the current version of (as of 2015-08-27)

download here

 Fark Lite
 Copyright (c) 2005, Rick Fletcher 
 Released under the GPL license

 This is a Greasemonkey user script.

 To install, you need Greasemonkey:
 Then restart Firefox and revisit this script.
 Under Tools, there will be a new menu item to "Install User Script".
 Accept the default configuration and install.

 To uninstall, go to Tools/Manage User Scripts,
 select "Fark Lite", and click Uninstall.

 0.3 2015-08-27 RCJ 
        update for Fark changes
 0.2.2  2005/10/08
  bug: no longer hiding the "view voting results" link on the comments page
 0.2.1  2005/10/03
  bug: updated to work with updated source
 0.2    2005/10/02
  new: refactored to use XPath
 0.1    2005/07/20
  initial release

// ==UserScript==
// @name          Fark Lite
// @version       0.3
// @namespace
// @description   Strips down to just the links.  Hides links from categories you don't want to see.
// @include       http://**
// @include*
// ==/UserScript==

(function () {

 var farklite = {

  config: {
   hide_search: true,           // remove the google search form at the top of the page
   hide_side_columns: true,     // remove the columns on either side of the page
   fix_link_target: true,       // make links open in the current window
   strip_passthru_script: true, // make links direct (instead of passing through the script)
   unwanted_categories:         // links that are in these categories will be removed
    [ "weeners", "satire", "video edit" ],

  //fark_passthru_script_regex: /^http:\/\/\w+\.fark\.com.*l=([^&]+)/i,
  fark_passthru_script_regex: /^http:\/\/\w+\.fark\.com\/goto\/[0-9]+\/(.*)/i,

  // link_container_xpath: "//table[@class='nilink']/descendant::tr/td[position() = 1]/a",
  link_container_xpath: "//a[@class='outbound_link']",

  addCSS: function( css ) {
   var head = window.document.getElementsByTagName( "head" )[0];
   var style = window.document.createElement( "style" );
   style.setAttribute( "type", "text/css" );
   style.innerHTML = css;
   head.appendChild( style );

  fixLinks: function() {
   var links = document.evaluate( this.link_container_xpath, document, null, XPathResult.UNORDERED_NODE_SNAPSHOT_TYPE, null );
   for( var link = null, i = 0; ( link = links.snapshotItem( i ) ); i++ ) {
    this.config.fix_link_target       && link.setAttribute( "target", "" );
    this.config.strip_passthru_script && link.setAttribute( "href", unescape( link.getAttribute( "href" ).replace( this.fark_passthru_script_regex, "http://$1" ) ) );
    this.config.strip_passthru_script && link.setAttribute( "onmouseover", "" );
    this.config.strip_passthru_script && link.setAttribute( "onmouseout", "" );

  removeUnwanted: function() {
   for( var i = 0; i < this.config.unwanted_categories.length; i++ ) {
    this.config.unwanted_categories[i] = this.config.unwanted_categories[i].toLowerCase().replace( /[^a-z]/, "" );

   var link_category_xpath = "//tr[@class='headlineRow']/descendant::img[translate(@alt,'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ', 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz')='" + this.config.unwanted_categories.join( "' or translate(@alt,'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ','abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz')='" ) + "']/parent::*";
   var links = document.evaluate( link_category_xpath, document, null, XPathResult.UNORDERED_NODE_SNAPSHOT_TYPE, null );
   for( var link = null, i = 0; ( link = links.snapshotItem( i ) ); i++ ) {
    link.parentNode.parentNode.removeChild( link.parentNode );

 farklite.addCSS( "td.howto, form div.howto:first-child, .banhead div, div.footnote { display: none; }" );
 farklite.config.hide_search       && farklite.addCSS( ".banhead form { display: none; }" );
 farklite.config.hide_side_columns && farklite.addCSS( ".newtoolbar, .entirelefttoolbar, .entirerighttoolbar { display: none; }" );


Wednesday, July 15, 2015

Juniper Network Connect and Crashplan use the same network ports

I actually found this problem months ago. Today I decided I needed to blog it mostly as a reminder to myself.

After upgrading CrashPlan on my computer, I found that the service would not start. The tray icon reported "unable to connect to the backup engine".

CrashPlan has a good article on the problem and how to fix it.

A solution not listed -- uninstall Juniper Network Connect! (I didn't need it any more)

Tuesday, July 14, 2015

Open a console to a virtual guest on ESXi or vSphere cluster

This entry ties in nicely with a previous entry I made about creating SSH tunnels for vSphere.

Unfortunately, when you setup SSH tunnels for the Windows vSphere client (or even for the vSphere web client), you cannot open console windows to the guests using the normal methods -- they will always fail to connect.

To workaround this, use VMware's "Remote Console" program to connect through the tunnel to the host. Note that the tunnel must go to the host on which the guest is running.


  1. Install VMware Remote Console (in Vmware downloads, vsphere 5.5, "Drivers & Tools" tab)
  2. find out the VMID of the desired guest using the ESXi cmd line:
        vim-cmd vmsvc/getallvms
  3. open url (assuming host tunnel is
    where vmid is the id you found; e.g. if the ID is 29:

In case it is not obvious, you open the URL from the command prompt:

cd C:\Program Files (x86)\VMware\VMware Remote Console
vmrc.exe vmrc://root@

Saturday, April 25, 2015

Use imagemagick to apply a GIMP gradient colormap (.ggr file)

I love using JHelioviewer to create amazing videos of the Sun using pictures from SDO (the Solar Dynamics Observatory).

However, jHelioviewer has a maximum of 1000 frames -- which is about 3 or 4 hours of SDO images (if you use every image taken). Another problem is that is nearly impossible in jHelioviewer to crop the frame in an exact way.

I already knew how to create a movie from a sequence of images using ffmpeg. However, the AIA images you download from SDO JSOC are grayscale; i.e. they don't have the standard SDO color maps.

JHelioviewer applies the SDO color maps using these GIMP gradient files, but I didn't know how to use imagemagick to apply GIMP gradient color maps.

ImageMagick can apply color maps, but they must be in the form of a color lookup table (CLUT) image. But how does one convert a ggr file (a text file!) to a CLUT image? I found a lot of examples on the web on how to convert a CLUT to a GGR, but not the other way around.

According to this jHelioviewer wiki page, you can export the color tables from jHelioviewer using somehow, but I didn't feel like figuring out how to compile it -- and also I didn't want to install the JDK.

So I posted a question on the imagemagick forums. You can go read the forum if you like, but I've summarized it here:

  1. Create a standard hald clut image using the imagemagick program "convert" from the command line:
    1. convert hald:8 hald.png
  2. Install GIMP
    1. Install ggr files in your GIMP configuration directory (on Windows 7 this is %USERPROFILE%\.gimp-2.8\gradients)
  3. Start GIMP and open hald.png
  4. Select All
  5. In the Layers Dialog, select the Gradient Tool, then select the desired gradient
  6. Apply the gradient by selecting Colors -> Map -> Gradient Map
  7. Export the file by selecting File -> Export As ... (save it as a PNG or BMP)
The resulting hald CLUT images are here:

Now, to apply any of the above color maps to a grayscale image, you do, e.g.:

convert gray-image.jp2 sdo-aia-171-colormap.png -hald-clut color-output.jpg

Thursday, April 2, 2015

Symantec 12.1.5 on Linux LiveUpdate failures -- BouncyCastleProvider

TL;DR version: To fix this, temporarily remove the "noexec" mount option from /tmp and run the program again.

We recently started using Symantec 12.1.5 on our Linux systems at work. I installed the client on a test system and immediately had issues with LiveUpdate:

/opt/Symantec/symantec_antivirus/sav liveupdate -u
Command failed: Problem with LiveUpdate.
Check that java directory is in PATH
Unable to perform update

In liveupdt.log:

Apr 1, 2015 11:32:26 AM There was a failure in reading the settings from the .conf file.
Apr 1, 2015 11:32:26 AM org.bouncycastle.jce.provider.BouncyCastleProvider
Apr 1, 2015 11:32:26 AM JLU received a DeleteSetting command.

Running Liveupdate in debug mode:

java -cp /opt/Symantec/LiveUpdate/jlu.jar -d
Using character set UTF-8
Command-line Product Selections to update:
(ProdName, Version, Lang, ItemSeqName, SeqNum)
Debug - output[nIdx] = uid=0(root) gid=0(root) groups=0(root) context=unconfined_u:unconfined_r:unconfined_java_t:s0-s0:c0.c1023
Adding JLU to the current command line
JLU Linux, 3.10, English, LiveUpdateSeq, 26
Trying to load jar file from /opt/Symantec/LiveUpdate/bcprov-jdk15on-148.jar
Trying to load jar file from current directory or mentioned in classpath
JLUException [
Nested Exception is:
[ java.lang.ClassNotFoundException ] org.bouncycastle.jce.provider.BouncyCastleProvider

java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: org.bouncycastle.jce.provider.BouncyCastleProvider
at Source)

I will leave out the frustrating troubleshooting my coworker and I did and give you the reason: Our security configuration specifies that we set the "noexec" mount option on /tmp.

Unfortunately, the Symantec install script requires exec on /tmp to install correctly. Specifically, it creates some temporary scripts in /tmp and runs them to install the BC (bouncycastle) provider. Here's an excerpt from the sepjlu-install.log:

Java LiveUpdate version 3.10 Build 26.
Extracted out to /tmp/1427202521861/
Extracted out to /tmp/1427202521861/
Extracted out liveupdate.conf to /tmp/1427202521861/liveupdate.conf.
Extracted out bcprov-jdk15on-148.jar to /tmp/1427202521861/bcprov-jdk15on-148.jar.
Copied /opt/Symantec/LiveUpdate/jlu.jar to /tmp/1427202521861/jlu-
Error running /tmp/1427202521861/ with reason: Cannot run program "/tmp/1427202521861/": error=13, Permission denied.

The script is supposed to copy bcprov-jdk15on-148.jar into $SYMROOT/LiveUpdate/, but obviously because "noexec" was set on /tmp, it couldn't run.

So in full, the solution is:

mount -o remount,exec /tmp
mount -o remount,noexec /tmp

Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Cisco 7841 PC headset adapter

Since I couldn't find this information elsewhere, even on the manufacturer's page, so... This PC headset adapter works with a Cisco 7841 phone:
SKU: 01-PC35-RJ9Cisco

Friday, February 13, 2015

rancid 3.x - juniper display set

I found a lot of directions on the net for how to change rancid 2.x to do "display set" for juniper switches, but none for rancid 3.x (this was tested on rancid 3.1.2 on CentOS 6.6)

It's actually pretty easy:
  1. Find your switch type (in this case "juniper") in /etc/rancid/rancid.types.base and copy those lines into /etc/rancid/rancid.types.conf:

    juniper;script;rancid -t juniper
    juniper;command;junos::ShowConfiguration;show configuration

  2. Now change "juniper" to some unique string that doesn't exist in rancid.types.base, e.g. "juniper-dset"
  3. Modify all the "juniper" strings in rancid.types.conf to be "juniper-dset"

    juniper-dset;script;rancid -t juniper-dset
    juniper-dset;command;junos::ShowConfiguration;show configuration

  4. Add a new line to do the display set:

    juniper-dset;command;junos::ShowConfiguration;show configuration | display set | no-more

    It's up to you whether you want that before or after the normal multi-line "show configuration".

  5. Also, change /var/rancid/router.db to change the "juniper" switch type to "juniper-dset"

Tuesday, January 27, 2015

linux: how to determine if a binary is prelinked

On my systems I use aide to find changes to the system. On one of them, aide was complaining:

WARNING: AIDE detected prelinked binary objects on your system but the prelink tool (/usr/sbin/prelink) is missing!
WARNING: prelinked files will be processed without a prelink undo operation! Please install prelink to fix this.

This is because at one point, I did in fact use prelink. However, I had many issues with aide and prelink and finally just got fed up and removed it. Before doing that you're supposed to undo the prelink, but apparently I missed a file. But aide didn't tell me which one! I couldn't find any information on the net about how to determine whether a binary is prelinked, so here's the answer:

readelf -S | grep prelink

If the binary is prelinked, you'll get something like:

[30] .gnu.prelink_undo PROGBITS 0000000000000000 000e4790

But what if you don't know which file is prelinked? And /etc/prelink.cache is non-existent (because someone removed it) or empty? In that case, you have to examine every ELF binary on the system. I elected to break this into two steps. First, find all the ELF binaries:

find / -type f ! -path "/sys/*" ! -path "/dev/*" ! -path "/proc/*" \
! -path "/opt/splunk/var/*" ! -path "/mnt/*" ! -path "/media/*" ! -path "/srv/*" \
! -path "/net/*" ! -path "/selinux/*" | xargs file | grep ELF | cut -f1 -d':' \
> /tmp/elffiles

Now that you have a list of all the ELF binaries, test each of them to find out if they are prelinked. I did not use xargs in this case because although readelf works on multiple files, when combined with grep it would be hard to tell which of the arguments in the long argument list is the culprit:
for file in $(cat /tmp/elffiles) ; do
   readelf -S $file | grep -q prelink
   if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then echo $file is prelinked ; fi

I realize the above doesn't handle paths with spaces or other weird characters. I guess I'm lucky my system didn't have any of those.

Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Dell PERC command-line utility program perccli

This tool apparently works for all PERC9 controllers and the following operating systems are supported:
Novell SuSE Linux ES 11 
MS Windows Server 2012 
Red Hat Ent Linux 6 
Red Hat Ent Linux 7 
SUSE Linux ES 12 
MS Windows Server 2012 R2/SP 
MS Windows 2008 R2

Binaries are at:

HTML version of manual:

PDF of manual:

Monday, January 5, 2015

Phonetic Alphabet of Confusion

I wanted to make a phonetic alphabet chart, but with words that all have the "wrong" sound at the start. e.g.A as in "aisle" I shamelessly stole most of this from

I'd wanted to use words instead of names if possible (e.g. for "I", I'm used "Ian" because I couldn't find a word that starts with I but has an "e" or other sound.)

I thought about going through the Wiktionary database but that will take a while to program maybe...

Anyway, here's what I have so far:

A - aisle
B - bdellium
C - czar
D - djinn
E - euphrates
F - effluent (I would prefer a word that starts with "F")
G - gnome
H - honor
I - Ian  (can you think of a word not a proper name?)
J - jalapeno
K - knickers
L - elephant (I would prefer a word that starts with "L")
M - mnemonic
N - Nguyen (resorted to foreign language here :( )
O - ouija board
P - pterodactyl (bonus:  P sounds like T ) 
Q - qat
R - arse (I would prefer a word that starts with "R")
S - schadenfreude (can you think of a non-foreign word that starts "sch"
but sounds like "ch"?)
T - Tsunami (foreign origin, but has been adopted as English so I don't
feel bad about this one)
U - urn
V - vrow (frau) (optionally "vee") 
W - wren
X - Xian  (X is weird anyway, most words sound like "Z" anyway, so I
went with an "Sh" sound (Shee-an) instead! but again - it's a foreign
name, can't think of a word)
Y - yperite
Z - Zsa Zsa  (proper name :( )