I couldn't find any other postings on the net about this, so here's my solution for automating the installation for the VMware vSphere Perl SDK on RHEL6 (this assumes you already have all the prerequisites installed.). It probably works on any Linux OS but I only tested it on RHEL6.4.
Save this expect script (requires expect to be installed, duh!) in the same directory as the extracted tarball for the SDK (probably vmware-vsphere-cli-distrib/):
#!/usr/bin/expect set timeout 120 spawn "./vmware-install.pl" expect "Press enter to display " { send "\r" } expect "vSphere Software Development Kit License Agreement" { send "q" } expect "Do you accept" { send "yes\r" } expect "Do you want to install precompiled Perl modules for RHEL" { send "\r" } expect "In which directory do you want to install the executable files" { send "\r" } # Wait for installation to finish expect EOF
This accepts the defaults ("yes" to installing precompiled perl modules, "/usr/bin" for the installation directory) If you don't like that, edit the script!